Monday, August 17, 2009

My night started with thoughts of how bummed I am that Tyson is going back to school tomorrow (Breanne starts next Monday), all the mornings waking up early, dragging a sleepy boy out of bed, all the homework that will have to be done, all the complaining I will have to hear, all the lunches that will have to be made, all the driving around I will have to do. Then I read Nie Nies blog again and I cried and cried some more. Then I went down to look at Ty sleeping and snatched a picture of him.

I no longer feel like complaining.


tammy said...

Our burdens don't even compare, I know. She is amazing. Her story hit a little too close to home for me with as many times as Blaine and I used to fly those small airplanes. I'm so glad he's only flying 737's now!