Thursday, September 3, 2009

Patrick the Horse

Well, I was hoping to tell you that Breanne was the proud owner of a new horse, BUT, the seller backed out of the deal for now, but still had us come and take him for a test ride, which made it even harder. Why would you have a potential buyer come and look at how great your horse is and then say, oh, by the way, I can't sell him. Grr. I guess he was going to buy a horse last week, but his seller backed out also, so he didn't want to sell Patrick just yet. If the seller finds a horse this weekend, he will sell Patrick to Breanne and then we will all be happy. This is a GREAT horse. He is so sweet and listens to all the commands that he gets. You say walk, he walks, you say trot, he trots. He backs up on command and doesn't try to go back to his stall or eat at any chance he gets. He can be ridden Western, English, or on trails and in water (Breanne rides English). He loves it all! He also loves his current owner so much that he will come and rest his head on his owners shoulder. I want this horse! He also won first place for all of Utah when he was 2 years old. Everyone say a little prayer that the owner will decide to sell! Patrick the Horse, and Breanne (first thing we would do if we get the horse is change his name!) We took Breanne to the stable this morning instead of taking her to school like she thought she was going to. We were going to surprise her and tell her that this was her horse. She was so dirty that we had to go home and change before she finally was able to go to school.