Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This little stuffed animal doesn't look quite so big anymore next to Rielly. He is 5lbs 2 oz. He had a grade 2 apnea and bradycardia Sunday which required the nurse to have to stimulate him to breathe. Now they won't consider him coming home for at least a week from then. I saw him drinking a bottle Sunday also. He was scarfing it down like it was his last one. The nurses have taught Morgan how to pace him, by tilting the bottle down so that he only gets air. This reminds him that he also needs to breathe while he eats. It's amazing how many things are different with preemies than with full term babies. I'll be a little scared myself caring for him when he comes home. They have him on a feeding schedule of every 3 hours which they said he will stick to when he leaves the hospital. It's also likely he will come home on some oxygen and moniters. Hopefully not for too long. We also need to get a car seat and bring it in so they can make sure it will work for him. We are excited for him to come home!


tammy said...

It will be so fun to have him home. I know about worrying over everything. The hardest part is the 3 hr feedings when you'd rather be sleeping.

Kirk and Tori said...

I can't get over how Adorable he is I really need to hold him!!!!!