Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New diet

Ok, I started my diet yesterday and pretty much failed already! I was perfect up until around dinner time but then Braden ordered a pizza. I resisted at first, but there was one lonely breadstick left in the box, and it was calling out to me. I couldn't resist! I ate it all up! Then after that, I figured, what they heck, I already cheated. So I had a can of soda, and half a box of cereal! Even with the cheating yesterday, I'm still 4 pounds less than I was yesterday morning. Oh well, I'm doing much better today, I've stayed on my diet so far. But if someone orders some more pizza...


tammy said...

Man, it's so hard to lose weight!! What kind of diet are you doing? Does it include going to Iggy's? I really need to get off my butt and exercise more.....and here I sit...blogging and emailing...

Anonymous said...

Yah, we want to know the details and what you are doing. Wow, you are doing good at the blogging thing, you actually had some new ones for me to read up on after being gone for a week. So fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

HA! it's not so easy, is it?!