Friday, March 28, 2008


Ok, I need a little advice here. Carisa went to a movie last night with some friends from work. She drove some of them home and as one guy was giving her directions, he said "ok, it's right here". Well there wasn't a house and the guy said he had been kicked out of his house (he is 17) and was living in a field. Carisa didn't know what to do. He got out of the car and as Carisa was driving home, she started crying and was still crying when she got to my house. She felt horrible that she had just let him get out of the car. She wanted to help him but didn't know how. Now, with that information, what would you do? Should I call social services? Should I forget about it (can't really do that). Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Wow Cami. You'll have to keep us posted on this. Where was it that she let him out? I would feel the same as you, but I hope she is careful. Usually kids don't get kicked out for nothing. But who knows, maybe his parents are whacked.??

Cam said...

Well, I freaked out when she told me this because I was thinking the same thing. The kid says his parents are crazy but who knows. I told her she better not ever drive someone home who she doesn't know very well again.

tammy said...

Wow, that's hard. I wouldn't know what to do either. I'm such a sucker for the underdog, I would almost want to invite him to sleep at my house. But of course, I would NEVER do that. I would maybe call social services and ask them what they suggest. Or do you know any police officers you can ask? That's tough.

tammy said...

Oh and your blog looks cute!

Cam said...

Thanks, I'm liking my blog too! I could have never done it without your help though! You are the best! Thanks!