Tuesday, April 1, 2008

my niece

My niece Adrienne, Mindi's 15 year old, had her tonsils out 10 days ago. She has been mostly fine with the recovery but last night around 2 am, she started bleeding from an artery in her throat and started throwing up blood, alot of blood with clots in it. She came upstairs and woke up Mindi and Mindi cleaned her up and changed her sheets and put her back to bed. Mindi assumed that she was alright and checked on her before Mindi went to a class at 9am. She looked fine. Now normally, Mindi doesn't come home from her school class, she has another class around 11am so she usually just stays and studies between the two classes. But today she decided to go home. She got home around 10am and found Adrienne laying on the floor in her closet. She asked her what she was doing and Adrienne said that she was getting another shirt because hers had blood on it. She also said she needed to go to the bathroom. She was so weak that she had to crawl to the toilet and couldn't even get up to sit on it. She had lost so much blood. Mindi found out at this time that Adrienne had woken up at 4am and was throwing up blood again. She didn't come and tell Mindi that time though. Carey was out of town, my mom and dad were in St. George and Mindi couldn't get Adrienne up the stairs to get her to the hospital. She called 911 and they came and found that Adrienne's blood pressure was very low and her pulse was very high. This is a sign of shock. Very scary. When they got to the hospital, they found out her hematocrit was 13%. It should be 36-45%! If Mindi did not come home after her first class, Adrienne would probably have been dead. She had to get 4 units of blood in the hospital. Cool thing is, she is in my hospital right now, and I am her nurse! It's neat to be able to be her nurse. She is a great kid. She is doing ok now and will probalby go home in the morning. I will keep you updated on how she is doing.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Cami. How scary! Glad she is OK now. Keep us updated.