Thursday, June 26, 2008


Is anyone ready for the kids to go back to school again? I sure am! Don't like the kids having all this free time to be bored, fight with each other, sit on their butts... If we lived in a house that had anything outside to do, it would probably be a different situation. But since we live in a neighborhood with a bunch of old farts, the kids can't really do much outside to have fun. We need to move.


tammy said...

We have 31 days left until school starts! I go back and forth between liking summer and wanting them back in school. I don't miss the early mornings and homework, but then we get really lazy in the summer and sometimes I'd rather be up and getting things done early. We haven't even been swimming as much as we were last year. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

You just built that cute house!! Dang, that's hard. My kids can't even go outside because it's so smokey!! I haven't gotten to that point of wishing they were back in school... yet, but I always do by the end of the summer. They've been gone and we have been so busy. I am going to have 2 extra nieces for the next 2 weeks, so we'll see how I am after that. :)