Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I don't know if it's the time of year or what, but every day I see a new spider in my house. I finally got the pest control guy to come because last week I found a big spider right behind my bed when I woke up! I freaked out! I hate spiders more than I hate just about anything. YUCK! I also found a black widow in the garage last week.


tammy said...

I just had the pest control guy come today. We have had black widows our back and under the waterfall in the pool. Spiders freak me out. But not nearly as much as the scorpions we would get in our old house. That alone was enough to make me want to move. And thank you for not putting a pic of a spider on here.

~Lori said...

Wow, 2 days in a row! You are on a roll! You are better than me. Where we live, we are always finding spiders. I can never get them all. Mostly daddy long legs though.