Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Working nights

I am officially announcing I hate working nights! It has messed my schedule up so bad. I couldn't get to sleep until 2am last night because I slept until 2pm yesterday because I thought I had to work which I ended up not doing (long story). Then today I woke up and got the kids to school but still felt so tired so I came home and went back to bed and slept on and off until about 5:30pm! Grrrrr. Plus on top of that, when I am awake, I have no energy to do anything. I've been making the kids do most of the cleaning which can be good and bad. I have another year and a couple of months until my contract is up and then I will be moving on to another area that isn't so busy during the day because I think that days is where I need to be.


tammy said...

I don't know how you do it. That has to be so hard. I'm no good if I don't get my sleep - and very ornery. I am definitely not a night person. Unlike my hubby.

~Lori said...

Hey you need to talk to Deb. She is in the same boat. She just told me she wants to change hospitals. I am a night person, but I would have a hard time having to stay awake all night and then I would do the same thing as you.

bunchafullers said...

I love the night load, but hate the night schedule mess-up. It makes me mental and groogy all the time. I guess I need to switch to days!!!