Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I am still on vacation and we are in Dublin Ireland at the moment. We only have tomorrow left and I am quite sad to be leaving here. I do miss my kids that stayed home and am very excited to see them. I am ready to have a break from the ones that I brought although! Dublin is a nice city and the people here are very friendly. I love their accents and the words that they use. Today we took a tour of Dublin city and saw a bunch of old buildings like a church that was built in the year 1200. Tomorrow we are going on another bus tour but it will be along the coast south of Dublin. It will be very pretty I'm sure.

I am not excited to go back to work. I feel like I need another week or so once I get home just to relax and recuperate. My feet and ankles are so swollen, I feet look and feel like I am pregnant!

I'll post some pics when I get home. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pics, Cami!! Sounds so fun!! I know what you mean about wanting a week to recoup. I always feel like that too even when we just go to UT.

tammy said...

I'm jealous! I would love to go to Ireland. Glad you're having fun. I always need a recovery after vacations, too. We're old.