Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How I've Spent My Morning So Far

Woke up at 6:00 with only 4 hours of sleep
Got Tyson out of bed
Received phone call from Braden asking for a ride to work (he got his license suspended for 30 days for receiving 2 tickets in 2 weeks)
Got a text from Morgan telling me she will also need a ride to school
Amazingly made it out the door on time
Forgot to take the garbage can down to the curb
Go back and take down the garbage can
Get to Bradens, Braden is not ready, wait 20 minutes for Braden
Braden makes everyone late
Get Tyson to school only to realize he doesn't have any lunch money
Go give him lunch money
Take Braden to work
Get a call 5 minutes later from Braden, telling me he left his bag in my car
Drive back to Bradens work, give him his bag
Go pick up Morgan who is already 15 minutes late for school
Get informed that she hasn't eaten
Go to Einsteins Bagels
Leave only to realize they got the order wrong
Go back to Einsteins
Leave and realize they got the order wrong AGAIN
Destroy the bagel in anger
Go back to Einsteins AGAIN
Get to Morgans school and cry in the parking lot
Hear Ruffles throwing up in the back of the car
Cry some more
Drive home
Almost get sideswiped by some stupid lady trying to change lanes
Amazingly make it home in one piece
Clean up doggy throw up
Take my Prozac and go back to bed


tammy said...

Whenever I think I'm having a bad day, I'm just gonna remember this story.

I'm sorry! I hope you get some sleep!

~Lori said...

I hope your're still asleep!!

bunchafullers said...

Sounded like you needed some help frodm shugs. I am so sorry about your day. You are just too good to everyone. I hope your day only gets better. Go to bed and stay there, do not pass go until you feel good.

Cam said...

Hmm, you must have been on Ambien when you left that comment Stace. Yep, pretty sure.

Kirk and Tori said...

I'm so sorry you had such a bad morning sounds like you need a vacation just as bad as me! Do you want some Jetblue passes?