Monday, January 19, 2009

Rielly did not get extubated, instead Morgan received a phone call at 6:30 am yesterday telling her that he has an infection and they think it is NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis, an infection in his bowels). They have had to stop his feedings and suction everything out of his bowels. He is pale and lethargic. He has dropped down to 2.5 pounds. They had to increase the ventilator settings (from a breath rate of about 20 to now 40). They sounded pretty concerned. This freaked us out. I wasn't able to see him yesterday. We went up today, he still looks sick but they said he is doing much better. He is receiving a blood transfusion, at least his third since being born. I started crying when they poked his little foot for a blood sample. I have not seen him cry before today. We can't hear him cry because of the tube down his throat but when I saw him cry, I lost it. It was so sad. He seems to be getting better and I hope they can get this infection cleared up, they won't be feeding him for about a week, he will be on antibiotics again for 7-10 days. They will try to extubate him when he gets better. Check out the photos

He's crying =-(

He just doesn't look himself


tammy said...

I don't like to see him crying either! Especially when you can't pick him up to comfort him.

Kirk and Tori said...

That is to sad!!! Everytime I think he is doing well something else happens hang in there! He is still a miracle and will make it through. We will be praying for him love ya!

~Lori said...

Oh Cam! That picture is so sad! He looks like he is getting bigger though. Aren't you thankful for modern medicine! Amazing!!