Sunday, January 11, 2009

They put Rielly on a different ventilator that is a step down from the oscillator he was on. The oscillator was giving him 500 breaths a minute to make sure that his lungs stayed open and didn't collapse. The new ventilator is only giving him 34 breaths so it is more like what his normal breathing would be. He isn't breathing much on top of that, which is what they would like him to do. He likes the vent to do all the work for him. Once they have him stable and he starts breathing more on his own, they can wean him from this vent and put him on a bipap, which is another step down, and then a nasal cannula, which is probably what he will be coming home on. It's a ways down the road, but it is at least in sight now. Yay! He weighs 2.8pounds now. He is getting huge! Yay!


tammy said...

Yay Rielly. Breathe little man, breathe!

~Lori said...

SO glad he is doing so well.

grammy vicki said...

Cami, Your mom told me all about what you have been going through for the past month, then suggested I get on your blog so I can see pictures of your little man. What a little fighter he must be, and what a doll! Congratulations, Grandma. Please know that you and Morgan and Rielly are in our thoughts and prayers that all will work out as our loving Heavenly Father would desire. Thanks for blogging about his progress.